Question regarding Lora communication between RPi3B+ and Lora shield

I have two Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and two LoRa/GPS Long Range Transceiver HAT 915 MHz (North America): ( I have used one pair of RPi and LoRa hat as sender and used the other pair as receiver. I have never used LoRa before and I am confused about certain aspects of it even after reading online. Hence, I have few questions:

  1. I just need to transfer few bytes of data from node to a private gateway. Since in the future, I would not like to expose the data, I opted out from trying the TheThingsNetwork. And so yesterday I tried

Example3 – Two RPI use LoRa to transmit

from here: This works very well and the code is simple to understand and build further. However, I would like to know if this is actually a good start for someone who is looking to send simple messages from node to a private gateway and later would expand the code to their own liking?

  1. I am also interested in expanding the code for 8-channel gateway. I might have to use a device other than the LoRa/GPS hat as it is a single channel device. Do you think the receiver code I tried above has the room to be expanded so that the receiver can host more than one channel? I cannot find any such possibility but then again I’m not very confident with the code.

I would highly appreciated any advice.

Thanks you!