Maximum payload size for downlinks

Hello Orne! My name s Roman.

I’m working with LoRaWAN devices and I have faced a trouble.

Working with another Lorawan server “gotthardp”, I have noticed that some downlinks had just gone and disappeared. They did not reach the terminal device class C - and the problem is the size of them - about 300 bytes.

Orne, will your server split huge messages to the two little downlinks?

Thanks a lot for your time and help!

Payloads that exceed the max payload size will be rejected by LoRa Server. The max payload size depends on the Regional Parameters Revision configured in the device-profile.

Please note that splitting of the payload can not be done automatically as this is not specified by the LoRaWAN protocol and the receiver might interpret these as two individual payloads. This must be implemented by the application layer.

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