Getting Started

Hello all,

I have successfully Installed

But am confused how get started, My packet forwarder is working fine, and transmitting data I could see that on TTN network, but am unable to add it to App-server portal.

I need help in getting started.

Please help, Video Tutorial would be great. If not will create a Video tutorial when I learn it. Need help to learn it at first.

What part of the official instructions do you not understand?

I have installed successfully, but

  1. How to add a network Server
  2. How to add a gateway Profile
  3. How to add a Service profile and other I need to learn.

I have the same issue. Documentation is lacking of what is the whole process to setup loraserver. I added gateway, application, but no documentation so I don’t know how to get data from a TTN sensor and so on…

Will be trying to make Video of how LoRaserver is installed on Raspberry pi. It might help many.

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Did you make a video setup Loraserver on Rasp ? ashi