Azure cloud - Service Bus, IoT Hub

Hello everybody,
I am trying to send information from LorServer to IoT Hub, we tried azure service bus in MS Edge, configurations in Azure is done by my colleagues.
I put connection string, name and mode to LoraAppServer config file, but it doesnt work.
What connection method you recommend me to connect to Azure?
I know we can also use MQTT in IoT Hub.
Do you have experience with it? Could somebody help, with settings in Azure?

Thanks for any answers

should I see communication between azure and Loraserver in loraserver Logs?
Because could not find it.

Is enough to set up only Lora-app-server.toml config ?
I want to proof it to my colleagues.

I would really appreciate any answer.

You can define the service bus integration using toml
other way of sending data to iot-hub,

is setup iot-device, and device twin (define the message json required message format) and then push data to the iot-device (device-to-cloud) using the azure-iot-sdk api

Hi thank you, it is working now, I have not enabled Azure service Bus in .toml

This is the data integration which is available for all applications,

besides the extra integrations that can be added on a per-application



Enabled integrations.

Enabled integrations are enabled for all applications. Multiple

integrations can be configured.

Do not forget to configure the related configuration section below for

the enabled integrations. Integrations that can be enabled are:

* mqtt - MQTT broker

* aws_sns - AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS)

* azure_service_bus - Azure Service-Bus

* gcp_pub_sub - Google Cloud Pub/Sub
