Armhf version later than 2.5.1?

I’m not sure if I’m missing something but all I could found for Raspberry Zero W (armhf) is version 2.5.1 of lora-gateway-bridge. Any idea if there are newer versions somewhere ( or why there are none in official repos )

Also just a note, the rPi part of installation could use some more line of text, like where are the packages ( not just use our image… ), I don’t mean it in bad way, just there is no enough information for this.

Could you add links to the pages where you think things could be improved :slight_smile:

Also please note that all documentation can be found on GitHub, either under docs/ in each component repository or for the “global” docs. In case you see possible improvements, then a pull-request is appreciated!

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For example, somebody would like to install lora gateway on raspberry pi ( or pi zero ) in docs there is link here:

There is just one sentence… “use our image” what if I have already installed image and just want the gateway software where should I get it ? ( Its here: but there are no new armf versions )

Also in the links to download stuff are 404 missing.

And when you are starting with Lora and you come to

To me it was not clear at first that lora gateway is actually two components. Packet Forwarder ( could be just this but its insecure to blast UDP packages to internet ) + Lora Gateway that should be installed on gateway to send data to MQTT server via SSL ( user + pass ) and that is a proper GW… Imagine that I’m sitting here with rpi zero, and RAK831 there is no mention in documentation how to make it work ( also if you use custom shield, I had lots of “fun” to get it to work, since only guide was to get it work with public TTN network, and if you have own servers it would fail the install script and half of the configuration is missing )

I’m absolutely sure if you work with Lora for some time its very simple to you and all make sense… but when I started to look into it, how to build everything from scratch it was a headache at start, since most of the tutorials use the public lora wan and won’t address private networks … ( Its working now though :smiley: )

For example, somebody would like to install lora gateway on raspberry pi ( or pi zero ) in docs there is link here

As you describe, building a gateway from scratch can be a lot fo work. This is the reason why we point to a pre-build image that you can flash on a SD Card and includes either the Packet Forwarder + LoRa Gateway Bridge or Packet Forwarder + LoRa Gateway Bridge + LoRa Server + LoRa Server, including all the dependencies.

what if I have already installed image and just want the gateway software where should I get it

You can use one of these binaries: Index of /downloads/lora-gateway-bridge/

We provide binaries (and Debian packages) for armv5, armv6 and armv7. I believe for the Raspberry Pi Zero you could use the armv6 (not tested).

there is no mention in documentation how to make it work ( also if you use custom shield

Again, that is why we provide images :slight_smile: These images come with a gateway-config utility to setup various shields and configure the reset pin.

Again, if you think there is documentation that could be improved, then I welcome you to contribute to the documentation :slight_smile:

For the benefit of people who may be searching and come across this topic.

I can confirm the armv6 works on a Pi including a PiZero. The RasPi foundation has standardised on this even though some processors are capable of more, by using armv6 provided compatibility. For example I swap the same SD card between a PiZero and Pi3B+