RX2 Default settings EU868


What is the default data-rate for the RX2 on ABP if i use -1?

  # RX2 data-rate
  # When set to -1, the default RX2 data-rate will be used for the configured
  # LoRaWAN band.
  # Please consult the LoRaWAN Regional Parameters specification for valid
  # options of the configured network_server.band.name.


It depends on the LoRaWAN band you are using and is defined in the regional parameters doc (this one is for LoRaWAN 1.1).


I use EU_868 LoraWAN 1.0.2.

From the 1.0.2 B docs:

The RX2 receive window uses a fixed frequency and data rate. The default parameters are 869.525MHz / DR0(SF12, 125kHz).

aaa Awesome, thank you very much, i saw that, but just wasn’t to sure of i was looking at the right thing.
