[RN2903] OTAA Authentication Failure

Dear All

I´m getting some issue requesting end device join by OTAA. My Lora-App-Server receives, process e and answer OK about the Join request but the end device doesnt receive this answer. At the device I can see a DENIED answer. Here the lora-app-server log:

Sep 25 13:48:49 lorawan-ns-3 lora-app-server[959]: time=“2018-09-25T13:48:49Z” level=info msg=“js: request received” message_type=JoinReq receiver_id=0000000000000000 sender_id=010204 transaction_id=377088479
Sep 25 13:48:49 lorawan-ns-3 lora-app-server[959]: time=“2018-09-25T13:48:49Z” level=info msg=“device-keys updated” dev_eui=0004a30b001a3f84
Sep 25 13:48:49 lorawan-ns-3 lora-app-server[959]: time=“2018-09-25T13:48:49Z” level=info msg=“js: sending response” message_type=JoinAns receiver_id=010204 result_code=Success sender_id=0000000000000000 transaction_id=377088479

Adicionally: is there any configuration needed in order to provide OTAA activation inside Lora-App-Server or LoraServer configuration?

Here we have logs from Lora-App-Server + Gateway (UP and DOWN). Could please help me out to identify why the Join didnt work? @brocaar

Sep 26 17:55:58 lorawan-ns-3 lora-app-server[57105]: time=“2018-09-26T17:55:58Z” level=info msg=“js: request received” message_type=JoinReq receiver_id=0000000000000000 sender_id=010204 transaction_id=843569482
Sep 26 17:55:58 lorawan-ns-3 lora-app-server[57105]: time=“2018-09-26T17:55:58Z” level=info msg=“device-keys updated” dev_eui=0004a30b001a3f84
Sep 26 17:55:58 lorawan-ns-3 lora-app-server[57105]: time=“2018-09-26T17:55:58Z” level=info msg=“js: sending response” message_type=JoinAns receiver_id=010204 result_code=Success sender_id=0000000000000000 transaction_id=843569482


Sep 26 17:59:00 Wirnet local1.notice spf: JSON up: {“rxpk”:[{“tmst”:2629989892,“time”:“2018-09-26T17:59:00.885648Z”,“chan”:4,“rfch”:1,“freq”:927.200000,“stat”:1,“modu”:“LORA”,“datr”:“SF10BW125”,“codr”:“4/5”,“lsnr”:10.5,“rssi”:-94,“size”:23,“data”:"AAAAAAAAAAAAhD8aAAujBAD
Sep 26 17:59:00 Wirnet local1.notice root: time=“2018-09-26T17:59:00Z” level=info msg=“gateway: rxpk packet received” addr=“” data=“AAAAAAAAAAAAhD8aAAujBADrY1HSP28=” mac=7276ff00080d0155

Sep 26 17:59:01 Wirnet local1.notice spf: JSON down: {“txpk”:{“imme”:false,“tmst”:2634989892,“freq”:925.7,“rfch”:0,“powe”:20,“modu”:“LORA”,“datr”:“SF10BW500”,“codr”:“4/5”,“ipol”:true,“size”:33,“data”:“IHdPIBCam6bZYWto7BZkJ4cug6+qYfGrbALvhZRpUi49”,“brd”:0,“ant”:0}}

Hello All,

I’m working with @pzuchinali to solve this problem. Here are some screenshots of the response received in the “Lora development utility” application and the response received on the NS “Live LoraWan Frames” page.

The device used in the tests is the Microchip Pictail (RN2903). The channels used were the last 8 of the Australian band (926.4 … 927.8).

Any help will be appreciated!

A common mistake is that in the Device-profile, LoRaWAN 1.1.0 is selected. This is not supported by most devices. For the RN2903 you must select 1.0.2.

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Thank you @brocaar. We will for sure check this information. Regarding the logs and messages above, do you see anything wrong? As we are seeing that the Join is accepedted, it reaches the Kerlink Gateway but it is not received by the device.

Problem solve! Thanks four your help! It was indeed an issue with the LoraWAN version on the device profile.

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