[release] LoRa Server 0.25.1 and LoRa App Server 0.18.2

Some small improvements and bug fixes :slight_smile:

LoRa Server 0.25.1


  • Add RU_864_870 as configuration option (thanks @belovictor)


  • Expose the following MQTT options for the MQTT gateway backend:
    • QoS (quality of service)
    • Client ID
    • Clean session on connect
  • Add GetVersion API method returning the LoRa Server version + configured region.
  • Refactor lorawan/band package with support for max payload-size per
    LoRaWAN mac version and Regional Parameters revision.
    • This avoids packetloss in case a device does not implement the latest
      LoRaWAN Regional Parameters revision and the max payload-size values
      have been updated.


  • MQTT topics were hardcoded in configuration file template, this has been fixed.
  • Fix network_contoller -> network_controller typo (#302)
  • Fix typo in pubsub key (resulting in ugly Redis keys) (#296)

LoRa App Server 0.18.2


  • Gateway discovery configuration has been moved to network-server configuration.
    • Important: when you have the gateway discover feature configured,
      you need to re-add this configuration under network-servers (web-interface).
  • Expose the following MQTT options for the MQTT gateway backend:
    • Configurable MQTT topics (uplink, downlink, join, ack, error)
    • QoS (quality of service)
    • Client ID
    • Clean session on connect
  • Expose LoRa Server version and configured region through the network-server
    API endpoint.
  • Websocket client automatically re-connects on connection error (#221)


  • The Class-C enabled checkbox was displayed twice in the web-interface.
  • Organization dropdown was not autocompleting correctly.
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What is the approved process for performing these updates?
Is it simply fine to apt update, upgrade, or are there specific things that must be done in concert with this update/release, or does this mandate a fresh install?
Thanks, Richard

If there are any manual steps to perform (which I try to avoid), then these are mentioned in the change logs. Else you can just apt update && apt upgrade to upgrade.

Hello Orne,

Where are the change logs or is this “[release] LoRa Server 0.25.1 and LoRa App Server 0.18.2” the change log?

The above announcement contains the logs of the mentioned release :slight_smile: But please see also:

Right, so obvious, I see them now, silly me.
Many thanks.