[release] LoRa Gateway Bridge v2.6 & LoRa (App) Server v2.3


LoRa Gateway Bridge v2.6.0


Google Cloud Platform integration

LoRa Gateway Bridge is able to integrate with Cloud IoT Core.
This makes it easier to scale up, but also makes it possible to manage gateway
authentication using the web-based Cloud IoT console (or APIs).

Gateway IP address

The gateway IP address is exposed through the gateway stats.

LoRa Server v2.3.0


Google Cloud Platform integration

LoRa Server is now able to integrate with Cloud Pub/Sub
for gateway communication (as an alternative to MQTT). Together with the latest
LoRa Gateway Bridge version (v2.6.0),
this makes it possible to let LoRa gateways connect with the
Cloud IoT Core
service and let LoRa Server communicate with Cloud IoT Core using Cloud Pub/Sub.

RX window selection

It is now possible to select which RX window to use for downlink. The default
option is RX1, falling back on RX2 in case of a scheduling error. Refer to
documentation for more information.


Battery status

LoRa Server now sends the battery-level as a percentage to the application-server.
The battery field (0...255) will be removed in the next major release.

Downlink scheduler configuration

The downlink scheduler parameters are now configurable. Refer to
documentation for more information. #355.

LoRa App Server v2.3.0


Google Cloud Platform integration

LoRa App Server is now able to publish application data to
Cloud Pub/Sub as an alternative to a MQTT
broker. Please refer to the Configuration
for more information.

Deactivate device API

An API endpoint has been added to de-activate (not remove) devices.

Device battery status

LoRa App Server now publishes the device battery-level as a percentage instead
of a value between 0...255. The battery field will be removed in the next
major release.


  • The join-server ca_cert can be left blank to disable client-certificate
    validation when a TLS certificate is configured.
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