Receive one uplink and it stops receiving frames right after

Hi all

Just made (another) fresh install to try solving this issue but unfortunately did not work and still not having an idea.

This configuration worked fine before, then I had to move the server and the issue started.
No changes on test device, no changes on gateway.

First time I had launched the device, it worked fine, all frames, uplinks seemed ok.

After a hard reset on the device, after the join, only join and one uplink were received.

My MQTT looks like:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-21-8:~$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t application/1/#

My gateway doesn’t use bridge
My Gateway Bridge logs:

May 07 01:01:21 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[866]: time=“2019-05-07T01:01:21Z” level=info msg=“gateway: stat packet received” addr=“” mac=7076ff02acb2ffff
May 07 01:01:21 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[866]: time=“2019-05-07T01:01:21Z” level=info msg=“backend: publishing packet” qos=0 topic=gateway/7076ff02acb2ffff/stats
May 07 01:01:21 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[866]: time=“2019-05-07T01:01:21Z” level=info msg=“backend: config packet received” topic=gateway/7076ff02acb2ffff/config
May 07 01:01:21 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[866]: time=“2019-05-07T01:01:21Z” level=warning msg=“gateway: configuration was not applied, gateway is not configured for managed configuration” mac=7076ff02acb2ffff

This is level 5 gateway debug:

May 07 02:38:28 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[2745]: time=“2019-05-07T02:38:28Z” level=debug msg=“gateway: cleanup gateway registry”
May 07 02:38:28 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[2745]: time=“2019-05-07T02:38:28Z” level=debug msg=“gateway: received udp packet from gateway” addr=“” protocol_version=2 type=PushData
May 07 02:38:28 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[2745]: time=“2019-05-07T02:38:28Z” level=info msg=“mqtt: publishing message” qos=0 topic=gateway/7076ff02acb2ffff/stats
May 07 02:38:28 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[2745]: time=“2019-05-07T02:38:28Z” level=debug msg=“gateway: sending udp packet to gateway” addr=“” protocol_version=2 type=PushACK
May 07 02:38:28 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[2745]: time=“2019-05-07T02:38:28Z” level=info msg=“mqtt: gateway configuration received” topic=gateway/7076ff02acb2ffff/config
May 07 02:38:28 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[2745]: time=“2019-05-07T02:38:28Z” level=error msg=“apply packet-forwarder configuration error” error=“gateway does not exist”

Note the last line:
May 07 02:38:28 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-gateway-bridge[2745]: time=“2019-05-07T02:38:28Z” level=error msg=“apply packet-forwarder configuration error” error=“gateway does not exist”

My loraserver:

May 07 01:02:51 ip-172-31-21-8 loraserver[821]: time=“2019-05-07T01:02:51Z” level=info msg=“gateway/mqtt: gateway stats packet received” gateway_id=7076ff02acb2ffff
May 07 01:02:51 ip-172-31-21-8 loraserver[821]: time=“2019-05-07T01:02:51Z” level=info msg=“gateway updated” gateway_id=7076ff02acb2ffff
May 07 01:02:51 ip-172-31-21-8 loraserver[821]: time=“2019-05-07T01:02:51Z” level=info msg=“gateway/mqtt: publishing gateway configuration” qos=0 topic=gateway/7076ff02acb2ffff/config
May 07 01:02:51 ip-172-31-21-8 loraserver[821]: time=“2019-05-07T01:02:51Z” level=info msg=“metrics saved” aggregation=“[MINUTE HOUR DAY MONTH]” name=“gw:7076ff02acb2ffff”

And my lora app server:

May 07 00:48:33 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:48:33Z” level=info msg=“finished unary call with code OK” grpc.code=OK grpc.method=Get grpc.service=api.OrganizationService grpc.start_time=“2019-05-07T00:48:33Z” grpc.time_ms=2.896 peer.address=“” span.kind=server system=grpc
May 07 00:48:57 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:48:57Z” level=info msg=“js: request received” message_type=JoinReq receiver_id=0000000000000000 sender_id=000000 transaction_id=3002410996
May 07 00:48:57 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:48:57Z” level=info msg=“device-keys updated” dev_eui=83105efba4a25b39
May 07 00:48:57 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:48:57Z” level=info msg=“js: sending response” message_type=JoinAns receiver_id=000000 result_code=Success sender_id=0000000000000000 transaction_id=3002410996
May 07 00:49:09 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:49:09Z” level=info msg=“js: request received” message_type=JoinReq receiver_id=0000000000000000 sender_id=000000 transaction_id=2877428260
May 07 00:49:09 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:49:09Z” level=info msg=“device-keys updated” dev_eui=83105efba4a25b39
May 07 00:49:09 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:49:09Z” level=info msg=“js: sending response” message_type=JoinAns receiver_id=000000 result_code=Success sender_id=0000000000000000 transaction_id=2877428260
May 07 00:49:14 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:49:14Z” level=info msg=“device updated” dev_eui=83105efba4a25b39
May 07 00:49:14 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:49:14Z” level=info msg=“device-activation created” dev_eui=83105efba4a25b39 id=2
May 07 00:49:14 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:49:14Z” level=info msg=“integration/mqtt: publishing message” qos=0 topic=application/1/device/83105efba4a25b39/join
May 07 00:49:14 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:49:14Z” level=info msg=“finished unary call with code OK” grpc.code=OK grpc.method=HandleUplinkData grpc.request.deadline=“2019-05-07T00:49:15Z” grpc.service=as.ApplicationServerService grpc.start_time=“2019-05-07T00:49:14Z” grpc.time_ms=8.65 peer.address=“” span.kind=server system=grpc
May 07 00:49:14 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:49:14Z” level=info msg=“integration/mqtt: publishing message” qos=0 topic=application/1/device/83105efba4a25b39/rx
May 07 00:51:32 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:51:32Z” level=info msg=“finished unary call with code OK” grpc.code=OK grpc.method=Login grpc.service=api.InternalService grpc.start_time=“2019-05-07T00:51:32Z” grpc.time_ms=147.21 peer.address=“” span.kind=server system=grpc
May 07 00:51:41 ip-172-31-21-8 lora-app-server[879]: time=“2019-05-07T00:51:41Z” level=info msg=“finished unary call with code OK” grpc.code=OK grpc.method=Login grpc.service=api.InternalService grpc.start_time=“2019-05-07T00:51:41Z” grpc.time_ms=150.464 peer.address=“” span.kind=server system=grpc

and all the 3 repeats same log information from time to time.

The device still running, sending a fixed payload every each 10 seconds but nothing come to application server nor MQTT.

If it can be helpful, I’m using a Kerlink iFemtoCell and the led that indicates lora communication doesn’t blink anymore. Only when the device makes the join.

This is my config topic during JOIN:

ubuntu@ip-172-31-21-8:~$ mosquitto_sub -h localhost -t gateway/7076ff02acb2ffff/config

If I connect the gateway to TTN, it receives all uplinks, every each 10 seconds.

Just reinstalled following line by line from Quickstart guide and got exactly same behaviour.

Thank you for any help

It sounds like the channels in your enabled_uplink_channels and the channels configured on your gateway are out-of-sync. What probably happens is that after the first uplink, LoRa Server updates your device channel-mask and your device starts transmitting on channels that are not covered by your gateway(s), which explains that after the first uplink you won’t see any more data.

Hi @brocaar

You are right. And it shakes my brain.
I had a server working and receiving same payload, from same device, from same gateway for about 2 months non stop.

Then I started the migration to another server. I just copied all configuration files, installed new server from source and replaced the configuration by ones saved before.

In my backup config file I have:
enabled_uplink_channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Which is not working.

Replacing to:

Backed up and running.

It’s so confusing, I’m running on US-915.
The only thing that changed from one server to another was Loraserver version.

Anyway, thank you again for your help.

Generally US915 uses uplink channels 8-15. That would be especially true if you’ve been interoperating with TTN, which uses those.

Presumably when you stopped telling LoRaServer an incorrect list of channels 0-7, it stopped using MAC commands to tell the node to jump to channels which your gateways isn’t actually using, since your gateway ignored the config request.

You are right, TTN is using channels 8 - 15.

In one of the recent LoRa Server versions there has been an improvement in the service-profile Max DR value (previously cached on the device-session). It might be that this triggered the LinkADRReq to the device. Note that this mac-command also includes the channel-mask explaining why @Giulio_Loffreda only had this issue after upgrading.

Thank you both for the explanation !
Its nice to know I’m not loosing my mind.

Doing some tests playground, I could connect the device with different configurations:
Max Dr = 0

enabled_uplink_channels=[8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
Max Dr = 3

I can see a slight performance improvement using second configuration.
In fact, I can have exactly same perf as TTN.

Before, with no uplinks, was little delayed and sometimes, loosing packets.

Considering I will have spread users with no access to Service Profile (it will come as standard) what you guys suggest ? Keep enabled uplinks 8 to 15 and Max Dr 3 ?

What’s the counter benefit I can have ?


Looking on Getting Started Guide, I would suggest to change the tipo about uplinks:

US915 configuration example



enabled_uplink_channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

It can lead to some mistake and thus, question for support.

Thank you

I had a similar issue and even posted about it:

having messaging in the example US config indicating channels 0-7 -> “Sub-Band 1”, 8-15 -> “Sub-Band 2” would have been very helpful since the “Sub-Band” terminology is how many devices refer to the uplink channel range

Feel free to create a pull-request to improve the comment :slight_smile:

I had this same issue and this thread helped me a lot. Since I’m doing sub-band 7 & 8 I might as well share my configuration:
I’m using a Tektelic Kona Macro 16-ch gateway and changed this file (on the CS server):
Like this (it was on sub-band 2 only):
#enabled_uplink_channels=[8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 65]
enabled_uplink_channels=[48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71]
I’m pretty sure channels 70 and 71 are the 500 kHz channels sitting in the center of the sub-bands 7 & 8.

Then on the gateway I changed this file:
I changed the frequencies to this:
“chip_enable”: true,
“chip_center_freq”: 912600000,
“chip_rf_chain”: 0,
“chan_multiSF_0”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 911900000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_1”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 912100000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_2”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 912300000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_3”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 912500000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_4”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 912700000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_5”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 912900000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_6”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 913100000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_7”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 913300000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_LoRa_std” : { “chan_rx_freq”: 912600000, “bandwidth”: 500000, “spread_factor”: 8 },
“chan_FSK” : { “chan_rx_freq”: 912600000, “bandwidth”: 250000, “bit_rate”: 100000 }
“chip_enable”: true,
“chip_center_freq”: 914200000,
“chip_rf_chain”: 0,
“chan_multiSF_0”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 913500000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_1”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 913700000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_2”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 913900000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_3”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 914100000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_4”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 914300000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_5”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 914500000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_6”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 914700000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_multiSF_7”: { “chan_rx_freq”: 914900000, “spread_factor”: “7-12” },
“chan_LoRa_std” : { “chan_rx_freq”: 914200000, “bandwidth”: 500000, “spread_factor”: 8 },
“chan_FSK” : { “chan_rx_freq”: 914200000, “bandwidth”: 250000, “bit_rate”: 100000 }