Rak831 Gateway not registered in server

I am new into this channel and I have a query with regard to a new connection of a Rak831 gateway to my server. Messages seems to be ok and passing through.
I receive from MQTT topic the config from the gateway but no gateway shows up in the Lora app server. Does anyone have a clue in how to setup the app server correctly to register the gateway ?

I have no report of errors whatsoever, as far I can see. however I have no clue why the gateway is not registered in the app server.

Cheeers and I appreciate any help

gateway/b827ebfffe70afb9/config {“mac”:“b827ebfffe70afb9”,“version”:“2018-09-23T21:46:35.128784Z”,“channels”:[{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:868100000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10,11,12]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:868300000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10,11,12]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:868500000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10,11,12]},{“modulation”:“LORA”,“frequency”:868100000,“bandwidth”:125,“spreadingFactors”:[7,8,9,10,11,12]}]}

I’ve published new documentation which should help you to debug this: https://www.loraserver.io/guides/troubleshooting/. In case this doesn’t help, please let me know where you get stuck.

thank you indeed for your reply and the excellent work done on these LORA systems.

I setup everything from scratch and apparently everything is working ok. I figure out that the gateway it doesn’t show up automatically as I expected (create_gateway_on_stats=true). So I decide to set it up manually.

After that, I have to say that in principle, I haven’t spotted any errors on the gateway neither the following lora*** services. I can see in the MQTT broker that the package-forwarder is sending stuff to the/config endpoint. I can see the EU868 frequency plan as it is stated in the gateway.

My doubt is whether at lora-app-server-> Gateway->Live LORAWAN Frames page is able to display ALL the frames (Gateway + devices) or just ONLY the devices. Other question is whether the gateway should show up automatically or it shall be added it in beside the loraserver.toml file.

thank you indeed

The gateway will be created in the LoRa Server database, but you still need to add this manually in LoRa App Server. Maybe it makes sense to remove this config option as it was introduced a long time ago when LoRa App Server and LoRa Server weren’t fully separated.

  1. Gateway --> Live LoRaWAN frames shows all the uplink / downlink frames by the given gateway
  2. Device --> Live LoRaWAN frames shows all the uplink / downlink frames related to a device

So when you have misconfigured your device (e.g. wrong keys) you will see the frames under 1. but not under 2. as the authentication failed.

Excellent and thank you indeed for your reply.

From your comment, I am guessing that the config frames from the gateway won’t be visible in the Gateway live view pane. will they?

I hope to have soon one or two LoraWAN devices to poke messages into it and see the stack working.


From your comment, I am guessing that the config frames from the gateway won’t be visible in the Gateway live view pane. will they?


I just received a RAK381 myself and will add some instructions how to set this gateway up :slight_smile: (I might provide scripts to generate a ready to use Raspberry Pi image)

Hi Brocaar,

Would be nice, I should receive my RAK831 in the next few days…

Thank you guys. Awesome news!

It looks a great idea to me. Very quick way to get the LoraWAN stack working at very affordable price.