Pycom nano-gateway packet-forwarde issue

I test Pycom nano-gateway with TTN using the legacy packet forwarder and work TX and RX.

With loraserver only TX message are send RX message drop 90% of messages.

I see on console this log:
In bridge log I see this:

Mar 20 16:14:54 lora-gateway-bridge[30749]: time=“2019-03-20T16:14:54-03:00” level=info msg=“backend: downlink packet received” topic=gateway/30aea4fffe7907ec/tx

Mar 20 16:14:54 lora-gateway-bridge[30749]: time=“2019-03-20T16:14:54-03:00” level=error msg=“gateway: could not handle packet: gateway: unknown packet type: PullACK” addr=“” data_base64=“AutmBDCupP/+eQfseyJ0eHBrX2FjayI6IHsiZXJyb3IiOiAiTk9ORSJ9fQ==”

A post was merged into an existing topic: FiPy: could not handle packet: gateway: unknown packet type: PullACK