Postgresql doesn't show table data in loraserver_ns or loraserver_as database

I have created a application,gateway and device with ui (https://localhost:8080) but when I connect to postgresql to show those,The postgresql doesn’t show any things:
My postgresql command is followed:
1- sudo -u postgres psql

2- postgres=# \c loraserver_as

You are now connected to database “loraserver_as” as user “postgres”.

3-loraserver_as=# \dt
> List of relations

Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | application | table | loraserver_as
public | device | table | loraserver_as
public | device_activation | table | loraserver_as
public | device_keys | table | loraserver_as
public | device_profile | table | loraserver_as
public | device_queue_mapping | table | loraserver_as
public | gateway | table | loraserver_as
public | gateway_ping | table | loraserver_as
public | gateway_ping_rx | table | loraserver_as
public | gateway_profile | table | loraserver_as
public | gorp_migrations | table | loraserver_as
public | integration | table | loraserver_as
public | network_server | table | loraserver_as
public | organization | table | loraserver_as
public | organization_user | table | loraserver_as
public | service_profile | table | loraserver_as
public | user | table | loraserver_as
(17 rows)

4-loraserver_as=# select * from application

Why doesn’t postgresql shown any data in application or gateway or device table?