Multitech MQTT coding problem

I have a Multitech Conduit IP67 Gateway. I followed the instructions an everything seems to be wirking fine, but my Gateway wont show up in loraserver.

INFO[0000] starting LoRa Gateway Bridge                  docs="" version=3.0.1
INFO[0000] backend/semtechudp: starting gateway udp listener  addr=""
INFO[0000] integration/mqtt: connected to mqtt broker
INFO[0006] integration/mqtt: subscribing to topic        qos=0 topic="gateway/00800000a0001f46/command/#"
INFO[0017] integration/mqtt: publishing event            event=stats qos=0 topic=gateway/00800000a0001f46/event/stats
INFO[0047] integration/mqtt: publishing event            event=stats qos=0 topic=gateway/00800000a0001f46/event/stats
INFO[0061] integration/mqtt: publishing event            event=up qos=0 topic=gateway/00800000a0001f46/event/up
INFO[0077] integration/mqtt: publishing event            event=stats qos=0 topic=gateway/00800000a0001f46/event/stats
INFO[0107] integration/mqtt: publishing event            event=stats qos=0 topic=gateway/00800000a0001f46/event/stats

when i subscribe to the loraserver mqtt broker i can see that the messages are not in a correct format:

��F㊢� ��"��I@%X���@`h@ (J10.239.0.91

My Dragino and Raspberry Gateways ar working fine.

Any Ideas?
Thank you.

I found the Problem. In the Lora_Gateway_Bridge Config, there is an option “marshaller” i switched from protobuf to json, now its working. I can read the messages on the loraserver broker.
Still, the gateways do not show up on the loraserver.

The root Problem was the lora-gateway-bridge MQTT Config.

The was an additional …/event/ in MQTT Topic.

 # Event topic template.
  event_topic_template="gateway/{{ .GatewayID }}/event/{{ .EventType }}"

loraserver wont subscribe that topic. I just deleted event/, now the Gateways show up.
i also switched back to “protobuf” marshaller.