Help needed with ABP activation

Hi there

I’m having some trouble with ABP activation.
Using a Kerlink Ifemtocell and lora server 3.3.0-test.2 AU-915-928
enabled_uplink_channels=[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]

Same node, if configured with OTAA works like a charm.
When using ABP, I just received ONE ping on gateway live data like this one:

  "result": {
    "uplinkFrame": {
      "txInfo": {
        "frequency": 916400000,
        "modulation": "LORA",
        "loRaModulationInfo": {
          "bandwidth": 125,
          "spreadingFactor": 9,
          "codeRate": "4/5",
          "polarizationInversion": false
      "rxInfo": [
          "gatewayID": "7076ff02acb2ffff",
          "uplinkID": "0ff3b91f-bb96-421a-9bd9-5061f5e0de81",
          "time": "2019-10-15T17:21:39Z",
          "timeSinceGpsEpoch": null,
          "rssi": -51,
          "loraSnr": 13,
          "channel": 6,
          "rfChain": 1,
          "board": 0,
          "antenna": 0,
          "location": {
            "latitude": 0,
            "longitude": 0,
            "altitude": 700,
            "source": "UNKNOWN",
            "accuracy": 0
          "fineTimestampType": "NONE",
          "context": "2r0rlA=="
      "phyPayloadJSON": {
        "mhdr": {
          "mType": "UnconfirmedDataUp",
          "major": "LoRaWANR1"
        "macPayload": {
          "fhdr": {
            "devAddr": "004b09fe",
            "fCtrl": {
              "adr": true,
              "adrAckReq": false,
              "ack": false,
              "fPending": false,
              "classB": false
            "fCnt": 0,
            "fOpts": null
          "fPort": 100,
          "frmPayload": [
              "bytes": "Ktx9it3mpHxysHQ="
        "mic": "85b8550f"

My device, shows join was ok, but on network server, nothing happens, even Last seen is showing a day ago.

My Divide profile is set as:

LoRaWAN MAC version *

LoRaWAN Regional Parameters revision


Geolocation buffer TTL

Geolocation minimum buffer size

RX 1 Delay

RX1 data-rate offset

RX2 data-rate
8 (tried 2 too)

RX2 channel frequency (Hz)

Factory-preset frequencies (Hz)
915200000, 915400000, 915600000, 915800000, 916000000, 916200000, 916400000, 916600000

I will need to let users activate OTAA and ABP.

Any help is really appreciated.


Why would it say that? There’s no such thing as an ABP join

“fCnt”: 0,

What keys are you using? If they have been previously used, then seeing fCnt 0 again is likely to be rejected as a replay attack. Implementing a proper LoRaWAN node requires keeping track of the last used fCnt and making sure it only increments, never rewinds.