Error with ABP (no downlink) using LoRaServer v3.0.0


I have one problem which I can’t solve during the week.
loraserver, lora-app-server, lora-gateway-bridge are all 3.0.0
I had tested OTAA and all were OK. After that, I created ABP device profile with these options:

  • RXDelay1 - 1
  • RXDROffset1 - 0
  • RXDataRate2 - 250 (bits/per seconds)
  • RXFreq2 - 869525000 (EU868)
  • FactoryPresetFreqs - 868100000, 868300000, 868500000, 867100000, 867300000, 867500000, 867700000, 867900000
  • RFRegion - EU868
  • Max EIRP – 14dB

I see only uplink packets, but downlink counter is 0.

Please help!

loraserver log below here, error in bold

июн 10 15:41:33 plc-srv loraserver[1455]: time=“2019-06-10T15:41:33+03:00” level=error msg=“processing uplink frame error” data_base64=gDkFNwGAAAADDgRfRufH5q543pfhmLiXrK8wGWOPKhPLBouVeFZggj2q0ZPgzFt+JTue error="run uplink response flow error: set downlink tx-info data-rate error: get data-rate error: lorawan/band: invalid data-rate"
июн 10 15:41:40 plc-srv loraserver[1455]: time=“2019-06-10T15:41:40+03:00” level=info msg=“gateway/mqtt: uplink frame received”
июн 10 15:41:40 plc-srv loraserver[1455]: time=“2019-06-10T15:41:40+03:00” level=info msg=“device-session saved” dev_addr=01370539 dev_eui=3833363865368d0f
июн 10 15:41:40 plc-srv loraserver[1455]: time=“2019-06-10T15:41:40+03:00” level=warning msg=“frame counters reset” dev_addr=01370539 dev_eui=3833363865368d0f
июн 10 15:41:40 plc-srv loraserver[1455]: time=“2019-06-10T15:41:40+03:00” level=info msg=“rx info sent to network-controller” dev_eui=3833363865368d0f
июн 10 15:41:40 plc-srv loraserver[1455]: time=“2019-06-10T15:41:40+03:00” level=info msg=“device gateway rx-info meta-data saved” dev_eui=3833363865368d0f
июн 10 15:41:40 plc-srv loraserver[1455]: time=“2019-06-10T15:41:40+03:00” level=info msg=“device-session saved” dev_addr=01370539 dev_eui=3833363865368d0f
июн 10 15:41:40 plc-srv loraserver[1455]: time=“2019-06-10T15:41:40+03:00” level=info msg=“finished client unary call” grpc.code=OK grpc.method=HandleUplinkData grpc.service=as.ApplicationServerService grpc.time_ms=56.107 span.kind=client system=grpc
июн 10 15:41:40 plc-srv loraserver[1455]: time=“2019-06-10T15:41:40+03:00” level=error msg=“processing uplink frame error” data_base64=gDkFNwGAAAADDgRfRufH5q543pfhmLiXrK8wGWOPKhPLBouVeFZggj2q0ZPgzFt+JTue error="run uplink response flow error: set downlink tx-info data-rate error: get data-rate error: lorawan/band: invalid data-rate"

It looks like you have mis-configured the band configuration.

Thanks for the answer, but I didn’t understand. I try to explain.
I showed you all settings and you can see, that bands are right for EU868 for uplink and downlink. I checked bands on the gateway and device and it’s OK.

Moreover, we checked similar scenario with this device and gateway on other your server, but the version was older - loraserver (1.0.1), lora-app-server (1.0.2), lora gw bridge (2.4.1). And it works!
But with new one (3.0.0) it doesn’t work anyway only with ABP. Where is the problem with bands? Or maybe it’s other problem?

By the way, what does that mean error: lorawan/band: invalid data-rate". Maybe it connects with data-rate problem or not?

Is it possible to get the answer on my question?
Because I didn’t understand where os the problem with the band. I get all bands, especially for downlink, from the regional parameters.

Please check your RXDataRate2 again, valid options are in this case 0 - 7.

Thanks! We have solved the problem!!
We did last time as you mentioned before (0-7 instead of 250 bit/s) for RXDataRate2, but it didn’t work.
The main reason is we didn’t re-create device, re-activate didn’t work as well.
Only when we deleted our device and created it again (with proper ABP parameterms) it started to work!