Error: network_server must not be nil

I am using latest version of loraserver, lora-app-server and lora-gateway-bridge in my armv7 processor board. In that im trying to configure all the above three configurations in order to receive data from LoRa gateway. Im getting below error in my log and also i cant able to login in Web UI using admin:admin. Can anyone help me to resolve this…

INFO[0038] finished unary call with code InvalidArgument error=“rpc error: code = InvalidArgument desc = network_server must not be nil” grpc.code=InvalidArgument grpc.method=Create grpc.service=api.Netc
WARN[0038] Deprecated Authorization header : RFC1945 format expected : Authorization:
WARN[0038] Deprecated Authorization header : RFC1945 format expected : Authorization:
INFO[0038] finished unary call with code OK grpc.code=OK grpc.method=List grpc.service=api.OrganizationService grpc.start_time=“2019-08-31T05:30:56Z” grpc.time_ms=42.8 peer.address="
{“error”:“network_server must not be nil”,“message”:“network_server must not be nil”,“code”:3,“details”:[]}Method Not Allowed
WARN[0039] Deprecated Authorization header : RFC1945 format expected : Authorization:
WARN[0039] Deprecated Authorization header : RFC1945 format expected : Authorization:
INFO[0039] finished unary call with code OK grpc.code=OK grpc.method=List grpc.service=api.NetworkServerService grpc.start_time=“2019-08-31T05:30:57Z” grpc.time_ms=39.265 peer.address=“”

I solved this issue, it was my mistake only so please close this topic